Public Health Advisory Council

PHAC Diagram (1)


The Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC) is a group of community leaders who assess the needs and opportunities in the region that influence the public health priorities outlined in the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Each priority workgroup is guided by a chairperson who manages the collaboration of multiple organizations, community groups, and individuals that contribute to the work associated with that priority. The PHAC Chair in conjunction with the PHAC Lead, oversees the workgroups.


Community Health Improvement Plan

The CHIP is informed by regional Community Health Needs Assessments and feedback from members of the Greater Sullivan County Public Health Advisory Council.

Check out our 2020-2025 CHIP!

Check out our 2015-2020 CHIP!

Check out the 2021-22 Annual Report here to see what has been happening in your community!

Links to Data Resources:
2020-21 Annual Report
2019-20 Annual Report
2018-19 Annual Report
2017-18 Annual Report
County Health Rankings
NH Wisdom
The Partnership @DrugFreeNH
NHPHN - Who we are
The Doorway
Community Health Outlooks
Health Aging Data Report
NH Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2021